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发布时间:2024-11-08        浏览次数:15        返回列表

1、HQL子查询别名问题 报错:hive query failed cannot recognize input near '(' 'select' '*' in joinSource 备注:子查询需要加上别名 否则报错。 HQL的书写,select * from (select * from table) ; 应改为:select * from (select * from table) a,执行成功。


语句:select a.*, b.`median.*` from a left join ( select brand, region , percentile(rscore, 0.5) as median_r ,percentile(fscore, 0.5) as median_f ,percentile(mscore, 0.5) as median_m from a group by brand, region ) b on a.brand=b.brand and a.region=b.region

b.`median.*` 代表b表中,以“median”开头的字段

解决:需要在代码段前加上: set hive.support.quoted.identifiers=none;

4、insert overwrite 报错 报错:Caused by: metaException(message:Exception thrown when executing query : SELECt DISTINCT 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.metastore.model.MPartition' AS ,.,.,.,. FROM LEFT OUTER JOIN ON . = . LEFT OUTER JOIN ON . = . WHERe . = ? AND . = ? AND . = ?) 原因:由于partition字段异常字符导致,分区字段不支持中文 根本原因:源表字段值和输出分区值之间的关系是根据位置而不是命名来匹配的!!! 例子: insert overwrite table employees partition (country, state) select ..., se.cnty, se.st from staged_employees se;

7、Query failed (#20200429_072245_00729_nh2wp): Error opening Hive split s3://bi-oor-com/warehouse/analysis/inter/union_inter_dw.db/dim_mkt_app_info/dayno=29991231/000003_0 (offset=0, length=25082323): Malformed ORC file. Can not read SQL type integer from ORC stream .system_id of type STRING [s3://bi-oor-com/warehouse/analysis/inter/union_inter_dw.db/dim_mkt_app_info/dayno=29991231/000003_0] 解决:select字段过多,不能 select * ,改成指定某几个字段

8、SemanticException Column app_id Found in more than One Tables/Subqueries (state=42000,code=40000) 一般是因为join的时候,含同字段两张表,没有命别名 但我遇到一个诡异的情况: A union all B B=aa left join bb left join cc (均已指定别名) 问题出在,aa中,有 not in (select xx_id from A) 的情况,把该条件拿掉后,不再报上述错误

解决:搞不清为啥,直接把B表逻辑with tmp as 了,不再报此错误。

Hive对in的支持有点问题,写出来的sql一直报错,分开跑也报错,一会儿 column more than one tables,一会儿又说语法错误,一会儿又能跑。。。

所以,以后遇到 in / not in 的查询需求,统一用 join 替换,如下:

  • in: select A.x_id, A.xxx,……, from (table) A left join (table) B on A.x_id=B.x_id where B.x_id is not null;
  • not in: select A.x_id, A.xxx,……, from (table) A left join (table) B on A.x_id=B.x_id where B.x_id is null;

9、hive insert overwrite / into 都没报错,但是数据没写进去 不知道原因>.< 有可能是分区字段不能含NULL,我把分区字段筛选了不为NULL,就好像写进去了?——<验证不是这个问题> 现在怀疑是set hive 某些参数,导致本应有数据,但select出来就没有,所以也就没有insert进去了。——对!!!去掉参数设置就有数据了!!!是参数出了问题!!!有可能是以下几个参数:

  • set hive.strict.checks.cartesian.product = false;
  • set hive.mapred.mode = nonstrict;
  • set hive.support.quoted.identifiers = none;