Vibrant Guangdong | Another technological marvel in Guangdong: a space station to be built 2000 mete
2025-03-19 09:05

What is it like to live in the depths of the ocean for a month? This science-fiction-like concept is about to become a reality.

On February 28th, a major science infrastructure project in China, the "research facility of cold-seep ecosystem"(hereinafter referred to as the "cold-seep facility"), officially commenced in Guangzhou. The project consists of three main components: "a deep-sea laboratory," "an authentic simulation subsystem," and "a support and guarantee subsystem." It is China's first independently developed national major scientific and technological infrastructure integrating both land and sea research, with a globally leading scale and key technical indicators.

Through the construction and operation of this facility, scientists aim to overcome challenges such as long-term human habitation in the deep sea and the safety of ultra-deep, large-scale pressure-resistant structures. The facility will support six people (three operators and three scientists) in residing at a depth of 2,000 meters for up to 30 days.


The cold-seep facility is led and constructed by the South China Sea Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The project, planned for completion within five years, will integrate a deep-sea manned seafloor laboratory with a land-based high-fidelity simulation facility, making it an internationally leading research platform. This facility will support studies on cold-seep ecosystem development, chemosynthetic biological succession, methane phase evolution, and its environmental effects. once completed, the cold-seep facility will serve as a cutting-edge platform for frontier research on the origin of life in extreme deep-sea environments and the sustainable development of deep-sea resources such as combustible ice.

"Cold seeps" refer to the process in which methane, hydrogen sulfide, and carbon dioxide seeping from beneath the seabed are released into the ocean due to geological shifts or pressure changes. A cold-seep ecosystem forms when marine organisms utilize these chemical substances as an energy source for chemosynthesis, developing into a unique deep-sea ecosystem in a world of perpetual darkness. This ecosystem, characterized by darkness, high pressure, and low oxygen levels, relies on methane derived from combustible ice decomposition as its primary energy source, sustaining life through chemosynthesis. It is often referred to as the "oasis of the deep sea."

The cold-seep ecosystems hold the key to Earth's deep carbon cycle and provide a strategic foundation for studying life adaptation mechanisms in extreme environments and exploring novel biological resources. Researching cold-seep ecosystems serves as an optimal entry point for the sustainable development of deep-sea resources like combustible ice and deep-sea scientific exploration. The cold-seep facility will offer new perspectives and technological tools for studying these ecosystems, accelerating advancements in related scientific fields, and setting a new benchmark for marine technological research.

Source: Lingnan On the Cloud







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