外刊精读:华为可以参与英国5G网络建设,美国坐不住了! | 金融时报双语
2024-11-11 01:54

外刊精读:华为可以参与英国5G网络建设,美国坐不住了! | 金融时报双语






Whether to allow China’s Huawei to participate in Britain’s 5G networks is one of the most important decisions Boris Johnson’s government will take. Superfast next-generation communications will underpin the “internet of things”, smart cities, self-driving cars, even telemedicine. Boris Johnson’s government on Tuesday put itself on a collision course with the US by approving the limited use of Huawei equipment in the UK’s fifth-generation mobile phone networks. The UK National Security Council gave the go-ahead to Huawei but has limited the Chinese telecoms equipment maker to a market share of 35 per cent in the 5G infrastructure and will exclude its kit from the sensitive “core” of the networks.


是否允许中国企业华为参与英国5G建设,是鲍里斯政府将要作出的一项重大决定。这是因为,下一代超高速移动通信技术将为“物联网”、智慧城市、自动驾驶汽车甚至远程医疗提供重要支撑。英国当地时间1月28日,鲍里斯政府召开会议宣布允许华为有限参与英国5G网络建设,此举引发了与美国的冲突。英国国家安全委员会(National Security Council)虽然为华为“开了绿灯”,但规定其市场占有份额上限为35%,同时将华为设备排除在英国“核心网”(敏感区域)之外。



Whether to allow China’s Huawei to participate in Britain’s 5G networks is one of the most important decisions Boris Johnson’s government will take.


1. 句子结构分析:句子主干是Whether to allow China’s Huawei to participate in Britain’s 5G networks is one of the most important decisions;Boris Johnson’s government will take是decisions的定语从句。

2. 专业术语:5G networks是5G网络,全称是“第五代移动通信网络”,即5th generation mobile networks,或者说fifth-generation mobile phone networks。

3. 同义表达:allow China’s Huawei to participate in Britain’s 5G networks是“允许华为参与英国5G网络建设”。

“允许华为参与5G建设”还可以说allow Huawei a 5G role。

“a 5G role”多用于标题中,比如卫报上有一篇文章叫作Huawei should get a limited 5G role – the US trade deal can wait,金融时报上也有一篇UK set to approve limited 5G role for Huawei。文章里出现的时候大多数还是使用a (limited) role in ...

所以还可以说allow Huawei a limited role in Britain’s 5G networks/in building its 5G networks,如路透社报道:

Britain will allow Chinese telecoms giant Huawei a limited role in building its 5G networks.

role也可以说involvement,即allow/agree a limited involvement of Huawei in Britain’s 5G networks,比如卫报上的这句话:

There is some irony in the Johnson government agreeing a limited involvement of Huawei in Britain’s 5G network.

其中There is some irony in是固定表达,意思是‘颇具讽刺意味的是;讽刺的是’。

4. Boris Johnson:鲍里斯·约翰逊(Boris Johnson),现任英国首相。

5. 翻译思维:Boris Johnson’s government翻译为“鲍里斯政府”,不要说“鲍里斯•约翰逊政府”,就像我们不会说“唐纳德·特朗普政府”,而是“特朗普政府”一样。中文的习惯是一般不会用全称。

6. 固定搭配:take decisions是固定搭配,表示“作出决定”,例如金融时报上的这句:

As Mr Lombardi says: "pretty soon the honeymoon will be over andshe will have to take decisions."



7. one of the most important decisions中one of没有译为“……之一”,而是将整个翻译为“一项重大决定”,这样更符合中文表达习惯。



Superfast next-generation communications will underpin the “internet of things”, smart cities, self-driving cars, even telemedicine.


1. 专业术语:Superfast next-generation communications是一个专业表达,表示“下一代超高速移动通信技术”。注意形容词顺序Superfast next-generation communications,是Superfast next-generation。

拓展:“超高速移动通信技术”是专业术语,缩写是EUHT(Enhanced Ultra High Throughput)。


2. communications:communication这个词既可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。它可以作可数名词,表示“书信;信息;消息”,如:

The ambassador has brought with him a communication from the President.



Speech is the fastest method of communication between people.



Snow has prevented communication with the outside world for three days.



3. underpin美[ˌʌndərˈpɪn]:v. 表示“加强;巩固;构成……的基础;支撑”,如金融时报例句:

The opinion of industry insiders cruciallyunderpins both designations and all price points in between.



同义替换:“提供重要支撑”也可以说provide support for,所以这句也可以写为:

Superfast next-generation communications will provide support for the “internet of things”, smart cities, self-driving cars, even telemedicine.

4. 专业术语:“internet of things”指“物联网”,简称IOT,其核心是万物互联。它是互联网基础上的延伸和扩展的网络,将各种信息传感设备与互联网结合起来而形成的一个巨大网络,实现在任何时间、任何地点,人、机、物的互联互通。

5. 专业术语:smart cities智慧城市。智慧城市起源于传媒领域,是指利用各种信息技术或创新概念,将城市的系统和服务打通、集成,以提升资源运用的效率,优化城市管理和服务,以及改善市民生活质量。

6. self-driving cars:自动驾驶汽车。也可以说self-driving vehicles,如100元31篇外刊翻译班中这句:

Over time this technology will come to control semi-autonomous and autonomous hardware likeself-driving cars and robots,displacing factory workers, construction workers, drivers, delivery workers and many others.


7. telemedicine:远程医疗。远程医疗是指通过计算机技术、遥感、遥测、遥控技术为依托,充分发挥大医院或专科医疗中心的医疗技术和医疗设备优势,对医疗条件较差的边远地区、海岛或舰船上的伤病员进行远距离诊断、治疗和咨询。



Boris Johnson’s government on Tuesday put itself on a collision course with the US by approving the limited use of Huawei equipment in the UK’s fifth-generation mobile phone networks. 


1. 句子结构分析:句子主干是Boris Johnson’s government put itself on a collision course with the US;by引导的是方式状语。

2. 翻译思维:因为新闻有很强的时效性,on Tuesday最好翻译为具体的时间“英国当地时间1月28日”。

3. 固定表达:put itself on a collision course with当作固定表达来记,put字面意思是把……置于,所以这个表达的意思是“使……走上与……冲突的道路/与……站在对立面”。


Such activity increasinglyputs Facebook on a collision course withGoogle, Apple and others in mobile advertising. 


还有个短语叫作be set on a collision course with,表示“势必/必然与……发生冲突”,


Britain's universitiesare set on a collision course withthe government.


所以,原文的put itself on a collision course with the US表示站在了美国的对立面。其背景是,美国正在全球范围展开宣传战,施压多个盟友禁止华为进入5G市场。

拓展:put ...表示“把……置于;使处于某种境况”,比如金融时报上有句话是这么说的:

The decision came despite repeated warnings from the US that allowing Huawei equipment in the UK’s 5G networks would put Britain at risk from spyingby the Chinese state.


4. 同义替换approving the limited use of Huawei equipment in the UK’s fifth-generation mobile phone networks表示“允许华为有限参与英国5G网络建设”。

approve也可以说allow,表示允许, networks这个语境下也可以说infrastructure,所以这句还可以说:

allowing the limited use of equipment made by Huawei in the country's 5G infrastructure,注意allow常见用法是allow sb to do或allow sb sth。

the limited use of Huawei equipment说明是有限参与(approving limited role for Huawei in ),所以这句话也可以说:

approving limited role for Huawei in the UK’s fifth-generation mobile phone networks,注意介词是for,approve limited role for。


A. 可以表示同意,可以是approve of sth或approve of sb’s doing sth,如:

She doesn't approve of my leaving school this year.


Do youapprove of my idea?


B. approve也可以直接是approve sth,表示通过、批准。



The UK National Security Council gave the go-ahead to Huawei but has limited the Chinese telecoms equipment maker to a market share of 35 per cent in the 5G infrastructure and will exclude its kit from the sensitive “core” of the networks.

英国国家安全委员会(National Security Council)虽然为华为“开了绿灯”,但规定其市场占有份额上限为35%,同时将华为设备排除在英国“核心网”(敏感区域)之外。

1. 句子结构分析:这句话比较长,但没有复杂的句子。重点是找到三个核心动词gave,has limited以及will exclude。

2. The UK National Security Council:英国国家安全委员会。国家安全委员会(The National Security Council,简称NSC)。

3. 同义表达:gave the go-ahead to是一个固定表达,意思是“放行;批准,许可;开绿灯”。go-ahead这个词就表示“批准,许可”。比如经济学人上的这句话:

Mr. Wang says Beijing has given the go-ahead to projects covering only about 20% of the planned new area.


今天这个gave the go-ahead to Huawei就表示为华为“开绿灯”,也就是允许华为参与英国的5G网络建设。Give sth to sb也可以说give sb sth,所以gave the go-ahead to Huawei也可以说gave Huawei the go-ahead。

gave the go-ahead to Huawei也可以说gave the green light to Huawei.

“在……方面给谁开绿灯”还可以说give the green light to,give ... a pass on ...。


Huawei was given the green light to build part of Britain’s next-generation 5G cellular network.


"We cannot continue togive China and other governments a pass on this critical issue, " he said in a statement.


4. the Chinese telecoms equipment maker直译就是“中国电信设备制造商”,注意有the表示特指,在这里就是指“华为”。

可以记住华为的一些表达用作写作中的替换,如the Chinese telecoms equipment maker,Chinese tech giant等。

5. 时态:注意这句话的时态。这句话中同时出现了多种时态。gave(过去时,因为是已经发生了的事情。“英国当地时间1月28日,鲍里斯政府召开会议宣布允许华为有限参与英国5G网络建设”),has limited(强调政策影响),will(还没建设,以后建设的时候)。

6. 同义表达:has limited the Chinese telecoms equipment maker to a market share of 35 per cent从字面理解就是“将华为限制在35%的市场占有份额内”,即“规定华为市场占有份额上限为35%”。

limit to这个表达意思是“将……限制在;限于”,高斋翻硕班在讲18年北航MTI翻硕真题的时候有这句:

今年初,谷歌推出了Music Beta服务。该服务仅限于美国市场……

Earlier this year, Google launched Music Beta, a servicelimited to the American market...

limited ... to a market share of 35 per cent表示“市场占有份额上限为35%”,也可以用一个名词性短语表示,可以说The 35 per cent market share cap。


The 35 per cent market share cap on “high-risk vendors” will apply to Huawei’s kit for the 5G infrastructure and its equipment for full fibre fixed line networks.


7. kit表示“成套工具;成套设备”,这里指的是华为5G设备,就是equipment的意思。

8. the sensitive “core” of the networks:核心网。查阅相关资料可知,核心网是移动通信网中敏感度最高的设备。

9. 同义词替换:exclude ... from ...是固定搭配,意思是“将……排除在外”,也可以说bar ... from ...

will exclude its kit fromthe sensitive “core” of the networks中,its kit中的its指代Huawei’s。这部分的意思就是“将华为设备排除在英国核心网之外”。


Huawei will be able to supply “non-core” parts of Britain’s 5G networks, such as base stations, but not core elements, such as servers.



所以“允许华为参与其5G网络的外围部分建设”可以说allow Huawei a role in the radio “periphery” of networks/give Huawei the go-ahead to build non-core/elements parts of the country's 5G network。


allow Huawei a rolein the radio “periphery” of networks but bar it from the “core” which manages the network.



The decision came despite repeated warnings from the US that allowing Huawei equipment in the UK’s 5G networks would put Britain at risk from spying by the Chinese state.


Donald Trump vented apoplectic fury at Boris Johnson ina tense phone call overBritain’s decision to allow Huawei a role in its 5G mobile phone networks, according to officials in London and Washington. 


British officials with knowledge of the exchange said theywere taken aback by the force ofthe president’s language towards Mr Johnson.



The American reaction to Britain’s decision to give China’s Huawei a role in its 5G network wasa foretaste of the difficulty ofpost-Brexit trade negotiations. Republican senators said it would make a bilateral trade dealmore problematic.

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