2024-11-11 02:48
Python,你可以使用`os`, `re`, 和 `pdfplumber` 这些库来查找指定文件夹下的PDF文件包含特定关键字,并提取前后10个字符的信息。以下是一个基本示例:


```python import os import re from pdfplumber import PDF # 定义要搜索关键字和要保存结果的路径 keyword = "your_keyword" output_folder = "./output" def extract_text_from_pdf(pdf_path): with PDF(pdf_path) as pdf: text = "" for page in pdf.pages: text += page.extract_text() return text def search_and_extract(pdf_text, keyword, n_chars=10): matches = [m.start() - n_chars for m in re.finditer(keyword, pdf_text)] return [(match, pdf_text[match : match + (n_chars * 2)]) for match in matches] # 遍历文件夹 for root, dirs, files in os.walk(".", topdown=True): if ".pdf" in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, files[0]) pdf_text = extract_text_from_pdf(file_path) if keyword in pdf_text: matched_results = search_and_extract(pdf_text, keyword) # 保存匹配到的结果 save_results(matched_results, output_folder) def save_results(results, folder): os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) for index, match_info in enumerate(results): start, context = match_info with open(f"{folder}/result_{index}.txt", 'w') as f: f.write(f"Keyword found at position {start}, context: {context}") # 调用函数开始处理 search_and_extract(keyword=keyword, n_chars=10) ```
    以上就是本篇文章【Python实现查询一个文件中的pdf文件中的关键字】的全部内容了,欢迎阅览 ! 文章地址:http://sjzytwl.xhstdz.com/quote/79501.html 
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