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【The Economist】你的语音助手有多可怕?手机在线a v「【The Economist】你的语音助手有多可怕?」
发布时间:2025-02-20        浏览次数:0        返回列表

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How creepy is your smart speaker?


Worries about privacy are overstated, but not entirely without merit. Your move, Alexa


May 11th 2019

“ALEXA, ARE you recording everything you hear?” It is a question more people are asking, though Amazon’s voice assistant denies the charges. “I only record and send audio back to the Amazon cloud when you say the wake word,” she insists, before referring questioners to Amazon’s privacy policy. Apple’s voice assistant, Siri, gives a similar answer. But as smart speakers from Amazon, Apple, Google and other technology giants proliferate (global sales more than doubled last year, to 86.2m) concerns that they might be digitally snooping have become more widespread. And now that these devices are acquiring other senses beyond hearing—the latest models have cameras, and future ones may use “lidar” sensors to see shapes and detect human gestures—the scope for infringing privacy is increasing. So how worried should you be that your speaker is spying on you?

”Alexa, 你一直在记录你所听到的吗?“越来越多的用户开始这样质问亚马逊的语音助手,而她一再否认这些指控。“只有当您说出唤醒词的时候,我才记录语音,并发送到亚马逊云。”她先这样强调,然后会向提问者提及亚马逊的隐私条例。苹果的语音助手Siri也给出相似的答复。但随着亚马逊、苹果、谷歌以及其他科技巨头公司的语音助手产品不断激增(全球语音助手销售额已达到8620万美元,同比增长一倍多),公众对语音助手可能会窥探用户数据的担忧变得更为普遍。而如今这些设备开始不止具备听觉的传感器——最新的款式具备摄像头,未来的语音助手还可能会借助光学雷达传感器来来感知人物形状、察觉用户手势——侵犯的隐私范围仍在扩大。如果你的语音助手在监视你,你会有多担心呢?


1. merit: n. the quality of being good and deserving praise

eg: Her ideas have merit.

Brierley's book has the merit of being both informative and readable.

2. Proliferate v. to increase a lot and suddenly in number

eg: Small businesses have proliferated in the last ten years.

3. infringe: v. Act so as to limit or undermine (something); encroach on.

eg:such widespread surveillance could infringe personal liberties.

For years the tech industry has dreamed of computing appliances that are considered unremarkable items of household machinery, like washing machines or fridges. The smart speaker has finally realised this promise. It can sit on a kitchen counter and summon the wonders of the internet without the need for swiping or typing. Using it is like casting a spell. Say the magic words and you can conjure up dodgy Eighties rock while up to your elbows in washing-up, or prove to your mum that Ronaldo has scored more goals than Messi. This hands-free convenience has a cost: the speakers are constantly listening out for commands. As with any advanced and apparently magical technology, however, myths quickly grow up about how they work.



4. summon v. to order someone to come to or be present at a particular place, or to officially arrange a meeting of people.

eg: They should summon help immediately and activate the fire plan.

5. up to one's elbows in: Deeply involved in (a task or activity)eg: ’we're going to get up to our elbows in the selection process’

6. Conjure up: often conjure something up with object Cause (a spirit or ghost) to appear by means of a magic ritual.

eg:they hoped to conjure up the spirit of their dead friend

6.1Make (something) appear unexpectedly or seemingly from nowhere.eg: Anne conjured up a delicious home-made hotpot.6.2Call (an image) to the mind.eg: she had forgotten how to conjure up the image of her mother's face.6.3(of a word, sound, smell, etc.) cause someone to think of (something)eg: a special tune that conjures up a particular time and place.

So start with some myth-busting. As Alexa herself contends, smart speakers are not sending every utterance into the tech giants’ digital vaults. Despite their name, the devices are simple-minded. They listen out for wake words, and then send what follows to the cloud as an audio clip; when an answer arrives, in the form of another audio clip, they play it back. Putting all the smarts in the cloud means these speakers can be very cheap and acquire new skills as their cloud-based brains are continually upgraded. As part of this improvement, manufacturers (such as Amazon) store sound clips of queries, so they can be assessed by humans if necessary. But Amazon notes that users can delete these clips at any time. There’s always the mute button if you are worried about accidentally triggering your speaker and sending a clip into the cloud during a sensitive conversation. Users, the firm insists, are in control.


Not everyone is convinced by such assurances, however. What if hackers infiltrate the devices? Could governments require manufacturers to provide back doors? Are their makers using them to snoop on people and then exploiting that information to target online ads or offer them particular products? Some people refuse to let Alexa and Siri into the house.



7. infiltrate v. to secretly become part of a group in order to get information or to influence the way that group thinks or behaves

eg: A journalist managed to infiltrate the powerful drug cartel.

If eavesdropping is your problem, eschewing smart speakers does not solve it. Smartphones, which people blithely carry around with them, are even worse. Spy agencies are said to be able to activate the microphone in such devices, which have even more sensors than smart speakers, including location-tracking GPS chips and accelerometers that can reveal when and how the phone is moving. And smartphones are, if anything, even more intimate than smart speakers. Few of Alexa’s users, after all, take her into bed with them.



8. eschew v. to avoid something intentionally, or to give something up

eg: We won't have discussions with this group unless they eschew violence.

9. blithe adj. happy and without worry

eg: She shows a blithe disregard for danger.

At the same time as devices are getting cleverer (Amazon makes a microwave oven with built-in voice assistant), the big tech firms are expanding into adjacent areas such as shopping services, finance and entertainment. Over time this may mean their incentives to snoop and misuse data rise. But there will also be a countervailing incentive for manufacturers to differentiate themselves by making more privacy-friendly devices that promise not to store voice commands, or process more on the device rather than in the cloud (though this will be more expensive). The chief thing is that consumers should be able to choose how to balance convenience and privacy. If this magical technology is to reach its full potential, the tech giants need to do more to convince users that Alexa and her friends can be trusted.



10. Countervailing: adj. having equal force but an opposite effect

eg: There was nobody strong enough to lead an effective countervailing force against the dictator.

校对:Sunny Li/ Aether



