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(全)Academic word list 学术性词汇表(英汉对照).docxVIP

   日期:2024-11-10     移动:http://sjzytwl.xhstdz.com/mobile/quote/1637.html
Academic word list 学术性词汇表(英汉对照)

(全)Academic word list 学术性词汇表(英汉对照).docxVIP

The Academic Word List (AWL) was developed by Averil Coxhead at the School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. The list contains 570 word families which were selected because they appear with great frequency in a broad range of academic texts. The list does not include words that are in the most frequent 2000 words of English (the General Service List), thus making it specific to academic contexts. The AWL was primarily made so that it could be used by teachers as part of a programme preparing learners for tertiary level study or used by students working alone to learn the words most needed to study at colleges and universities. 学术性词汇表(AWL)是由新西兰惠灵顿维多利亚大学语言学和应用语言研究学院的Averil Coxhead开发的。这个列表包含了570个单词,它们被选中是因为它们经常出现在广泛的学术文本中。该列表不包括最常见的2000个英语单词(GSL),因此它尤其用于学术背景之中。学术性词汇表(AWL)的主要目的是为了让教师可以作为为高等教育学习者准备学习的课程的一部分,或者作为自学的学生在学院和大学用来学习的最需要的单词列表。 The 570 words are divided into 10 Groups. The Groups are ordered such that the words in the first Group are the most frequent words and those in the last Group are the least frequent. 这570个单词被分成10组。这些组的顺序是第一组中的单词是最常见,而最后一组中的单词的频率最低。 Group 1 sector ? available ? financial ? process ? individual ? specific ? principle ? estimate ? variables ? method ? data ? research ? contract ? environment ? export ? source ? assessment ? policy ? identified ? create ? derived ? factors ? procedure ? definition ? assume ? theory ? benefit ? evidence ? established ? authority ? major ? issues ? labour ? occur ? economic ? involved ? percent ? interpretation ? consistent ? income ? structure ? legal ? concept ? formula ? section ? required ? constitutional ? analysis ? distribution ? function ? area ? approach ? role ? legislation ? indicate ? response ? period ? context ? significant ? similar ? Group 2
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