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   日期:2024-11-10     移动:http://sjzytwl.xhstdz.com/mobile/quote/71824.html





Judicial accountability system is the key to judicial reform, as well as an important measure to advance strict administration of justice.

上述句子中的“牛鼻子”及“抓手”等词,均属于中国特色型词汇,中国读者会较为熟悉,而外国读者可能难以理解,且英语注重形合,而汉语注重意合,因此,在翻译时,应充分考虑其差异,结合句子的结构特点,准确用词,以忠实表达原文的意思,同时使译文自然晓畅。“牛鼻子”字面意思为牛的鼻子,常比喻事物的要害或关键,而“抓手”的原义是指人手可以把持(抓握)的部位,时下流行于领导讲话,以及标语口号中的“抓手”,是由汉语方言词引申出来的新词,意指重点工作、重要途径、突破口、切入点等。综上,在此处将“牛鼻子”译为“the key”,意指其“关键性”,并结合原文含义及结构,将“抓手”译为“an important measure”,与“推进严格司法”形成逻辑关系,尽可能在保证准确性的同时,使句子形合,通常流畅。此外,在习近平主席多次重要讲话及China Daily中亦采用该表述,具体示例如下:


Technological innovation is the core issue. By holding it, we grasp the key to the country’s overall development.


Removing Beijing’s non-capital functions was the key to the planning and construction of the city. We should focus on sustainability and take advantage of technology and human resources to upgrade the development of Beijing.


“The key to the poverty alleviation is supporting rural industries, relocating villages as well as training the migrant laborers. To implement the projects, we also need to know how to communicate with locals,” Xu, a member of the 13th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, said on Saturday at a press conference for the ongoing first session for the committee.


BRI stands for the Belt and Road Initiative. For China, proposing BRI is a natural step as its economy enters a new stage. It helps address China’s own problems of imbalanced and unsustainable development. It is also an important measure in China’s new round of opening up. BRI follows the principles of extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. These principles are in line with China’s foreign policy which advocates peaceful development and win-win cooperation. BRI is an important effort in building a community with a shared future for mankind.



The rule of exclusion of illegally obtained evidence is a great innovation in the practice of rule of law in human society, and represents the crystallization of wisdom of modern judiciary characterized by civilization and rationality, as well as a litmus test for national protection of human rights.

前述句子中的“试金石”属于中国特色话语,外国读者可能并不熟悉,因此,在翻译时,应基于对原文的理解,既要保证忠实,体现原文的含义,又要符合译入语的表达习惯,使目标读者充分理解。经搜索可知,“试金石”原义为“用来简单测定黄金纯度的黑色的、坚硬致密的硅质岩石。用黄金在上面画一条纹,根据纹路颜色的深浅可以目测黄金成色”,引申义为“比喻准确可靠的检测方法和依据”。结合相关知识,英文可用“Litmus test”予以表示。这个说法原本的意思是做化学试验时用于鉴别物质酸碱度的石蕊测试,其延伸含义为“能有效决定及衡量事物质量、效果或性质的关键方法”,常特指某个观点、事件或因素。在特定的语境中,litmus test也可以翻译成“试金石”。经验证,在China Daily双语版中,“试金石”也曾多次被译为“litmus test”。

1.A pandemic of such magnitude represents a litmus test for the integrity of global leadership.


2.The results of this year’s final exams will provide a litmus test for the school’s new admission policy.




Advancing the trial-centered reform of criminal procedure was put forward for the first time at the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the CPC, which backs up the overall judicial system reforms as the basis with “multiple pillars”.

该句中的“四梁八柱”亦属中国特色话语,在翻译时不能仅按照字面意思进行处理,不易于目标读者的理解。因此需基于原文的内容及结构,以符合译入语习惯的话语进行表达,以增强译文的可读性,保证句子的通顺流畅。经搜索,四梁八柱”,来源于中国古代传统的一种建筑结构,靠四根梁和八根柱子支撑着整个建筑,四梁、八柱代表了建筑的主要结构。在党的最新理论成果中,“四梁八柱”是形象的比喻,强调我们的改革要有一个基本的主体的框架。在中国特色话语对外翻译标准化术语库(中,该词多次被译为“multiple pillars”。且经验证,在China Daily双语版中,该表达也曾多次用“multiple pillars”予以表示。相关例证如下:


We vigorously pushed forward the comprehensive deepening of reform, made important steps in terms of supply-side structural reform, achieved remarkable breakthroughs in the reform of national defense and the military, and the main frame of reform in all fields with “multiple pillars” has been established. We actively promoted the building of a law-based governance of the country, deepened the reform on the judicial system, enhanced judicial justice in an all-round way, and maintained social fairness and justice.


China has a vast territory and diverse industries. That means, the Chinese economy is supported not by a single pillar but multiple pillars. It is highly resilient and shock-resistant.

综上所述,在翻译中国特色话语时,首先要充分保证其准确性,其次在考虑译入语的表达习惯及语言特色结构的基础上,以尽可能体现前述话语特色的方式进行翻译,保证译文的通顺、地道及可读性,便于目标读者理解。同时,可以借助中国特色话语对外翻译标准化术语库等工具或在外网上(ChinaDaily双语版、BBC News等)搜索相关表达,以期更好地对中国特色话语进行翻译,让中国话语跟上中国实践的前进步伐。

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