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   日期:2024-11-10     移动:http://sjzytwl.xhstdz.com/mobile/quote/73506.html



挺多图都想重做,例如热图,韦恩图,气泡图等等。而且我看有些杂志对各种图还有特殊要求,想想就觉得费劲。There are a lot of images that want to be redone, like heat maps, Venn diagram, bubble maps, etc. . And I see that some magazines have special requirements for various kinds of pictures, which is difficult to think about.

不用担心这些,我这里有几个代谢组学的作图小工具,能解决代谢组学大部分的作图需求。Don’t worry about that. I’ve got a couple of metabonomics mapping tools that address most of the mapping needs of metabonomics.

1. 绘制热图1. Heat map热图(Heatmap)因其生动饱满的信息和丰富的色彩变化,一直是SCI文章中的宠儿。在代谢组学实验中,经常会使用热图来表示代谢物在不同组别中的变化情况。Heatmap (Heatmap) has always been the favorite of SCI articles because of its vivid and full information and rich color changes. In metabonomics experiments, thermograms are often used to show the changes of metabolites in different groups.1. 在线制作热图——方便快捷1. Create heat maps online -- quick and easy推荐指数:★★ Recommendation: ★★网址:Something: 该平台制作热图流程简单,上手较快。上传数据后即可出图,还支持各种参数的修改。The platform for the production of heat map simple process, faster to use. Upload data can be out of the map, but also support the modification of various parameters.

2. Excel制作热图——区分数值大小 2. Excel creates heat maps -- to distinguish between numerical values推荐指数:★★ Recommendation: ★★ 如果只是想用颜色区分每个值的大小,那我们可以通过调整Excel单元格的色阶来区分数值。 If you just want to color-code each value, you can do this by adjusting the color scale of the Excel cell具体操作步骤可见帕诺米克云课堂的链接: Detailed instructions can be found at the Pannomicron classroom link:3. Heml软件——热图专用软件3. HEML software -- heat map specific software推荐指数: Recommendations:★★★ ★★★★★ 软件下载地址: Heml是一款专用于绘制热图的软件,与Excel和Graphpad等软件工具相比,在绘制热图上远胜于前两者,能和R软件绘制的热图相媲美。上传数据后即可出来热图,还支持多种参数修改。 HEML is a dedicated to draw heat map software, and Excel and Graphpad software tools, in drawing heat map than the former two, and R software drawing heat map comparable. Upload data can be out of the heat map, but also support a variety of parameters to modify

2. 韦恩图绘图20. Venn diagram韦恩图能够很直观的反映我们的筛选工作,获取韦恩图我们常用的方法是通过在线平台来实现的。Venn diagram was able to visualize our filtering efforts, and the method we used to get Venn diagram was through an online platform.1. 韦恩图在线绘制——最常见的平台 1. Venn diagram online rendering -- the most common platform推荐指数: Recommendations:★★★ ★★★★★网址: 该平台的使用比较简单,上传各元素的数据后点击Submit就可以直接出图了。可修改的参数有韦恩图的颜色及形状等。 The platform is simple to use, upload the data of each element and click Submit to figure directly. Modifiable parameters include Venn diagram’s color and shape

2. 韦恩图在线绘制——简单粗暴2. Venn diagram online -- plain and simple推荐指数: Recommendations:★★网址: 该平台使用十分简便,输入list内容即可自动得出韦恩图的结果。 The platform is so easy to use that you can type in a list and automatically get Venn diagram’s results

3. 综合工具3. Comprehensive tools目前市面上生信分析的工具很多,正处于一个百花齐放的状态,各个平台作图没有统一的标准,图的类型也不尽相同。大家可以根据个人喜好,选择使用。1. TBtools软件 ——小巧好用的绘图工具箱 1. TBtools -- a small and easy-to-use drawing toolbox推荐指数: ★ Recommendation: ★★★★下载地址: TBtools是一个集合了非常多生信处理的小工具,使用方便,入门门槛极低。不光是前面所提到的热图,韦恩图;常见的诸如火山图,PCA等基础图表也可以通过该软件解决。B站,知乎等平台有较多关于该软件的介绍,而且开发者陈程杰博士还设有专门QQ交流群,可以为使用者解答操作过程中出现的问题。 TBtools is an easy-to-use, low-barrier-to-entry widget that combines a lot of raw letter processing. Not only the heat maps mentioned earlier, Venn diagram; basic charts such as volcano maps, PCA, etc. can also be solved with the software. B, Zhihu platform has more about the software introduction, and the developer Dr. Chen Chengjie also has a special QQ exchange group, users can answer the operation of the problem

2. hiplot-最良心的科研绘图平台 Hiplot-the most conscientious research mapping platform推荐指数: Recommendations:★★★★★网址: 这是小编见过最最最良心的科研绘图平台了,关键是完!全!免!费!知道这网站,从此作图不求人。使用该网站最大的便利之处在于不用自己写代码,可以直接在浏览器上实现在线一键化绘图。不光作图速度快,可调参数多,而且所包含的图表类型特别丰富,想要的图表几乎都可以在该网站找到。该网站所包含的小工具相信也会成为老师们科研上的一大助力。 This is a small series has seen the most conscience of the scientific research mapping platform, the key is the end! All of them! Free of charge! Fay! Know this website, from now on the drawing does not beg people. The biggest advantage of using the site is not to write their own code, you can directly in the browser to achieve online one-click drawing. Not only the drawing speed, adjustable parameters, but also contains a particularly rich type of chart, almost all the charts can be found in the site. The gadgets included on the site are also expected to be a big help to teachers in their research

3. metaboanalyst——专门的代谢组学分析平台 3. metaaboanalyst -- a platform for metabonomics analysis推荐指数: Recommendations:★★★★ ★★★★★★网页地址: metaboanalyst是一款操作简单、功能强大的代谢组学数据分析软件,该平台几乎包含了代谢组学研究中所能使用到的所有数据处理和数据分析方法。而且所得出的结果都可以导出,生成结果报告。 metaaboanalyst is a simple and powerful data analysis software for metabonomics, which contains almost all the data processing and data analysis methods that can be used in metabonomics research. And the resulting results can be exported to generate results report

4. Biodeep——墙!裂!推!荐 4.biodeep -- wall! Crack! Recommendation推荐指数: Recommendations:★★★★ ★★★★★★★网址: Biodeep代谢组云平台可用于非靶向代谢组、全局精准非靶向代谢组、靶向代谢组、脂质组等数据处理,轻松作图,图片颜值高,适用于文章发表以及论文出图。 Biodeep metabonomics cloud platform can be used for data processing of non-target metabonomics, global precise non-target metabonomics, target metabonomics, lipid group, etc. , for publication of articles and for drawing of papers1. 代谢组学分析复杂、统计方法繁多,云平台提供了完整解决方案。2. 针对用户需求设计,客户可自行剔除异常样本数据,也可自选选择对比组别进行分析,无基础也能完成整套分析。 2. According to the user demand design, the customer can eliminate the abnormal sample data, can also choose the contrast group to analyze, no foundation can complete the whole set of analysis3. 布局在最新的华为云平台,可满足现有的分析需求,并可一键升级配置,以满足更广泛的用户需求。 3. The layout on the latest Huawei Cloud Platform can meet existing analysis needs and can be configured with a one-click upgrade to meet a wider range of user needs4. 作为少有的代谢组学分析平台,为客户量身打造自主化分析服务,高效快捷获取数据图、表等,省时省力,节约时间成本。 4. As a rare metabonomics analysis platform, it can provide customers with customized analysis service, efficiently and quickly obtain data charts and tables, save time and labor, and save time and cost

结语Conclusion以上只是列举了代谢组学绘图中常见的分析工具。还有很多方法可以满足老师的作图要求(R,origin,matlab,pathon等)。老师们可根据自己的需要,选择合适的工具。希望诺米代谢本次的分享能助力老师在代谢组学的分析航道上乘风破浪,一往无前。These are just a few of the common analytical tools used in metabonomics mapping. There are many ways to meet the teacher’s drawing requirements (R, origin, Matlab, pathon, etc.) . Teachers can choose the right tools according to their needs. Hopefully, this sharing of Nomi, Trentino’s metabolisms will help teachers navigate the analysis channel of metabonomics, Walk the Line.

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