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   日期:2024-11-11     移动:http://sjzytwl.xhstdz.com/mobile/quote/74426.html





Keywords to Understand Wuhan 2024

Released by the Foreign Affairs Office 

Of Wuhan Municipal People’s Government

September 9, 2024

1. 四化同步


Four-Sphere Advancement

(to synchronize the advancement of new industrialization, IT application, new urbanization, and agricultural modernization)

2. 加快推动“三个优势转化”


to accelerate the transformation of three strengths 

(to accelerate the transformation of Wuhan’s strength in sci-tech, education and talent into innovation-driven development, favorable geography and well-connected transportation into stronger capacity in linking domestic and international economic flows, and ecological resources into greater opportunities for green development)

3. 奋力推进中国式现代化武汉实践

to advance Wuhan’s efforts in Chinese modernization 

4. 大力发展新质生产力

to double efforts in developing new quality productive forces

5. 深入推进新型工业化

to push ahead with new industrialization

6. 战略新兴产业和未来产业

strategic emerging industries and future-oriented industries

7. 打造新时代内陆开放新高地

to build Wuhan into a new frontier of inland opening-up in the new era

8. 构建以先进制造业为骨干的现代化产业体系

to build a modernized industrial system underpinned by advanced manufacturing 

9. 重塑新时代武汉之“重”

to rebrand Wuhan as an important industrial base in the new era

10. 五大优势产业


five competitive industries

(optoelectronic information, new energy and intelligent-connected vehicles, health, high-end equipment, and BeiDou)


(智慧城市基础设施与智能网联汽车协同发展试点城市)pilot city for the coordinated development of smart city infrastructure and intelligent-connected vehicles

12. 四大国家级产业基地


four national industrial bases 

(National Memory base, National New Energy and Intelligent-Connected Vehicles base, National Cybersecurity Center for Education and Innovation, and National Commercial Aerospace Industry base)

13. 4个国家级战略性新兴产业集群


four national clusters of strategic emerging industries

(integrated circuits, new display devices, next-generation information network, and biomedicine)

14. 以枢纽经济赋能高水平开放

to drive high-standard opening-up through hub economy

15. 打造热带雨林式的创新创业生态

to build a rainforest-like enabling ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship

16. 武汉都市圈“五同”机制


Five-sphere Development Initiative for the Wuhan Metropolitan Area 

(to ensure cities within the Wuhan Metropolitan Area develop in step in terms of overall planning, transportation, science and technology, industrial chains, and public well-being) 

17. 让数智赋能城市治理、点亮美好生活

to transform urban governance with digital intelligence for a better life 

18. 中小企业数字化转型试点城市

a pilot city for SMEs digital transformation

19. 光谷科技创新大走廊

the Optics Valley Science and Technology Innovation Corridor

20. 车谷产业创新大走廊

the Auto Valley Industrial Innovation Corridor

21. 全国绿色出行创建城市

a nationally approved exemplary city of green mobility

22. 建设国家儿童友好城市

to build a national child-friendly city

23. 服务事项“一圈通办”

to ensure government services are accessible across city boundaries within the Wuhan Metropolitan Area

24. 光谷科学岛

the Optics Valley Science Island

25. 争创东湖综合性国家科学中心

to build the East Lake National Comprehensive Science Center

26. 国家知识产权保护示范区

a national demonstration zone for intellectual property protection

27. 创建数字经济一线城市

to become a first-tier city in the digital economy

28. 打造氢能城市

to build a hydrogen city

29. 打造中国星谷

to become China's “valley of satellites”

30. 国家智能交通先导应用试点

national pilot application projects of intelligent transportation

31. 打造“演艺之都”

to make Wuhan a capital of performing arts

32. 争创国家数字服务出口基地、数字贸易示范区

to build a national digital service export base and a digital trade demonstration zone

33. 加速迈向新时代“九州通衢”

to make Wuhan a gateway to China’s heartland in the new era

34. 加快建设宜居韧性智慧城市

to make Wuhan more livable, resilient, and smarter

35. 实施武汉新城中轴线十大重点项目

to implement 10 key projects along the central axis of Wuhan New Town

36. 实施长江高水平保护十大提质增效行动

to carry out 10 major actions to ensure high-standard protection of the Yangtze River

37. 推进“学子聚汉”工程

Wuhan Talent Magnet Program

(to recruit, nurture, engage, and retain high-caliber college graduates)

38. 加快健康武汉建设 

to advance the Healthy Wuhan Initiative

39. 打造“书香武汉”

to foster a love of reading among Wuhan citizens

40. 讲好新时代长江故事

good storytelling about the Yangtze River in the new era;

to provide a better narrative of the Yangtze River in the new era;

to tell compelling/engaging stories of the Yangtze River in the new era

41. 建设国际消费中心城市,打造“心向往之、近悦远来”的人潮涌动之城

to build Wuhan into a popular and vibrant international consumption center that attracts people from far and wide

42. 开展城市降温行动

to carry out the Urban Cooling Action

43. 打造“两高地、两中心、一样板”


to develop two frontiers, two centers, and one model

(a world-class frontier for driving sci-tech innovation and a national frontier for strategic emerging industries, a national innovation finance center and a center for international exchanges, and a model of livable wetland city characterized by Chinese modernization)

44. 打造“数字江豚”武汉城市文化IP

to create Digital Finless Porpoises as Wuhan’s urban cultural IP 

45. 打造“江城百臻”农产品品牌集群

to foster a curated selection of premium Wuhan farm produce brands

46. 实施“410”工程


to implement the 4-10s project 

(to build 10 technological and industrial innovation centers, advance 10 major science and technology programs, develop 10 industrial application centers of scientific and technological achievements, and recruit and foster 10 high-caliber innovation teams)

47.  打造“四个车谷”


to develop a four-sphere auto-valley 

(to develop a strong, innovation-driven, dynamic, and attractive auto-valley)

48. “武创源”


Wu Chuang Yuan

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