正如Yet Another Drag and Go的中文翻译一样,其主要功能就是用户只需要拖拽链接或者超链接文字就可以在新TAB标签中打开网页,并且在定义的搜索引擎进行搜索。如果单纯的只是需要超级鼠标拖拽的功能,鼠标手势插件也能完成该功能。但是Yet Another Drag and Go更为强大,提供了四个可以拖拽的方向:左上、右上、左下、右下。除了我必不可少的Google搜索以外,还提供了taobao、twitter、wikipedia等国内外流行的搜索应用,并且可以自定义自己的的搜索应用。
Yet Another Drag and Go插件哪里可以下载?
你可以从chrome应用商店里找到Yet Another Drag and Go插件的下载地址,如果你的chrome应用商店无法打开,你可以在本站的下方找到Postman插件下载地址。
Yet Another Drag and Go插件怎么安装?
1. 如果你能够打开chrome应用商店,并且可以找到chrome超级拖拽插件,那么直接点击“添加至chrome”即可。(小编的chrome商店今天无法打开,郁闷中~)
2.如果你的chrome应用商店无法打开,你从本站或者其他途径获得了Yet Another Drag and Go插件,那么就选择离线安装该插件。由于Yet Another Drag and Go插件同其他chrome插件一样都是CRX格式的,所以具体的安装方法请参照:怎么在谷歌浏览器中安装.crx扩展名的离线Chrome插件? 如果CRX格式插件不能离线安装怎么办?
4. 用户可以使用其他的搜索引擎来查找拖曳的文字。打开扩展页面(在地址栏输入chrome://extensions或从菜单里面选),点击super drag and go 的 option,就可以定制搜索引擎的查询链接了。比如我的自定义的应用用于谷歌翻译,上网的时候碰到看不懂的外语单词句子,直接选取拖拽,立刻在新标签页打开Google translate。谷歌翻译可以自动检测被翻译的语言和预先设定目标语言。
2.crxMouse Chrome Gestures 鼠标手势
4.Yet Another Drag and Go:链接文字鼠标超级拖拽自定义搜索
5.Smooth Gestures Plus
6.鼠标手势插件-Gestures for Google Chrome
7.4款Chrome鼠标手势插件,Gestures for Google Chrome
4. chrome中文办公插件排行
5. chrome中文娱乐插件排行
**v0.3.3 - 2014.03.07**
1. fix open text link issue
1. fix open img link issue
1. fix Always After, Always Front-End issue
1. refactor
2. sync configuration data with cloud
2. new options page
1. upgrade for Chrome v32+ (Windows)
1. upgrade for Chrome v32+
1. upgrade manifest v2
2. new icons
3. new built-in search engines
4 or 9 ZONES? (via http://goo.gl/OxQR)
My Dears,
Since 2010/03/16, I've got your 439 votes, and I could see more people prefer 4 zones. so let's stay with 4.
Thanks for your help. I love you all!
* works with chrome ver. dev 13.x
* update built-in Search Es
* i18n: en, zh.
* new html5 option page
* Features
# Open a link/text-url in Front-End/Back-End, or drag UP to Front-End, Down to Back-End
# Open a link/text-url Before/After current tab, or drag LEFT to Before, Right to After
# Drag selected text to 4 different areas(LU/RU/LD/RD) to search by different search engines
# 17 search engines built-in: wikipedia, google, douban, twitter, bing, taobao, shooter, amazon, delicious, flickr, youtube, ebay, imdb, google encrypted, wolfram alpha, yahoo, technorati
# Easy to add any search engines by yourself (right click the URL bar --> edit search engines --> choose one --> copy the search URL --> paste into the "options" page)
# Press "ESC" to cancel your drag
* To-do
# More built-in search engines (please paste your favorites in the comments)
# Save image
# Access to Chrome's search engines