Summary:如何识别 “关键词”、“关键句”!
1、 找不到。不知道作者要告诉我什么。
2、 没找对。不知道哪个是“最重要的”。
Name the WHO, or the WHAT(a thing, an event, or an idea)Then name the MAIN person/thing/event/idea这里的难点在于MAIN person/thing/event/idea!考生抓错“点”,主要出在这一步!如何在一篇文章中抓住要点,有个快速提升的小技巧,就是看作者使用某个词时,用了哪些不同一般的表现手段:In my living room, there
is a plaque (匾) that advises me to “Bloom where you are planted.” It reminds me of Dorothy. I got to know Dorothy in the early
1980s, when I was teachingEarly Childhood Development through a program with Union College in Barbourville, Kentucky. The job responsibilities required
occasional visits to the classroomof each teacher in the program. Dorothy stands out in my memory as one who “bloomed” in her remote area.WHAT: plaque, teach, bloom,
program…关于“人”比较容易识别——Dorothy是主角(重复了三次)。关于“物”的识别较复杂。但是我们仔细看,有些词语以同义、近义、同属的形式重复,所以实际上只是这么几类:Plague相关:advise——bloom(重复两次)Teaching相关:program(两次)——job(指代teaching)——classroom/teacher(均指向“教学”)Dorothy在教学teaching上给我留下深刻影响advise/memory,这个影响就是“落地开花(Bloom where you are planted)”: Dorothy taught me to be
devoted to my teaching career wherever I am.这里补充一个细节:按照《怎样阅读一本书》所说,读者需要就关键词的理解,和作者达成“共识”。通俗解释一下,就是你得知道作者用这个词,他/她想指代什么(很多误读、误解,往往就产生于此)。比如上面这个段落中的“in her remote area”,结合“Bloom where you are planted”,不难推测下文要讲什么——扎根乡村、投身教育……如何识别“树枝”——缩写关键句?
1、 看不懂个别句子。
2、 抓不住段落要点。
Tell the MOST importANTTHING about the WHO or WHAT找到关键词,也就是抓住了文章的main idea。接下来围绕这个主题词WHAT或·WHO,看看与之相关的、最重要的信息。说到这一点,我们首先要清楚:一段话,如果能够make sense,基本上不外乎三个功能:事实——情绪——观点。除此之外,就叫“啰嗦”、“废话”。从这个意义上,大部分人表达时,70%内容都是无意义的gossip。所谓summary就是筛选出最重要的句子(关键句)。段首句、设问句、小标题、衔接标记、转折让步、引述……General Computers, a
Fortune 500 company, has recently experienced problems with employee
dissatisfaction, especially in the area of lack of flexibility with work
schedules; however, this problem can be easily solved by implementing new
technology to allow employees to telecommute, which results in greater schedule
flexibility and may, in effect, result in increased employee satisfaction.这篇文章显然属于“问题-解决(problem-solving)”的类型。这种类型的文章/段落,主要包含三个部分:描述问题、分析原因、提出办法。问题描述:概括关键词employee dissatisfaction(情绪)原因分析:事实描述为lack of flexibility with work
schedules(事实)办法提出:观点提出为allow employees to telecommute(观点)Telecommunication can make
work schedule more flexible and hence increase employee satisfaction.最后我们summarise一下
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