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   日期:2024-11-10     作者:n19v1    caijiyuan   评论:0    移动:http://sjzytwl.xhstdz.com/mobile/news/5709.html
核心提示:叮!新一期热词榜已送达!回顾一周最in话题,精选高频双语词汇。感受时代脉搏,尽在一周新闻热词榜。本周的新闻热词有:1. 2021



本周的新闻热词有:1. 2021年新增'减税降费'1.1万亿元2. 2021年我国'研发投入'强度创新高3.'北京冬奥会中国体育代表团'成立4. '十四五''旅游业发展规划'发布5. 美国超千万名'儿童感染新冠'

1. 减税降费cut taxes and fees

请看例句:China cut about 1.1 trillion yuan of taxes and fees in 2021 amid the country's efforts to bolster economic growth and strengthen market vitality, the top tax authority said on Wednesday.国家税务总局1月26日称,2021年,我国全年新增减税降费约1.1万亿元,助力经济增长,激发市场主体活力。

2021年,党中央、国务院围绕提振工业经济运行(shore up the industrial economy)、支持中小微企业发展(support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises)等方面,打出了一套税费优惠政策"组合拳" (roll out a slew of preferential policies on deducting and deferring taxes and fees)。全年为制造业中小微企业办理缓缴税费2162亿元,为煤电和供热企业办理"减、退、缓"税271亿元(enterprises in the coal, power and heating industries saw 27.1 billion yuan in tax cuts, rebates and deferrals)。

2021年,税务部门组织税收收入(tax income)15.46万亿元,占全国一般公共预算收入比重达76.3%,为国聚财职能作用进一步增强。全国一般公共预算收入中的税收收入占GDP比重为15.1%(account for 15.1% of the country's gross domestic product),比2020年略降0.1个百分点,比2015年下降3个百分点,市场主体税收负担进一步减轻(tax burdens on market entities were further eased)。

[相关词汇]财税体制 fiscal and tax system常态化财政资金直达机制 the system for the regular transfer of direct fiscal funds稳健的货币政策 prudent monetary policy收入分配 distribution of income

2. 研发经费spending on research and development (R&D)

请看例句:China's spending on research and development (R&D) hit a new high of 2.44% of its gross domestic product (GDP) in 2021, up 0.03 percentage points from the previous year, , according to a report released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).After deducting price factors, China's R&D spending in 2021 rose 9.4% year on year, said the NBS.国家统计局1月26日发布数据显示,2021年我国研发经费与GDP之比再创新高,达到2.44%,比上年提高0.03个百分点。按不变价计算,研发经费增长9.4%。

据初步测算,2021年我国研发经费投入(total expenditure on R&D)达27864亿元,比上年增长14.2% (up 14.2% year on year)。2021年我国研发经费中基础研究经费(investment in basic research)为1696亿元。基础研究经费占研发经费比重达到6.09%,比上年提高0.08个百分点。

国家统计局社科文司统计师张启龙解读数据时表示,2021年我国经济持续稳定恢复(the steady recovery of the Chinese economy),创新动能有效增强(enhanced innovation drivers),促进研发经费增长。企业研发费用加计扣除、改革科研经费管理和项目管理等激励政策不断完善(improved incentive policies)及落实到位,进一步激发了研发主体投入热情。

世界知识产权组织2021年发布的全球创新指数(Global Innovation Index 2021, GII)显示,我国科技创新能力在132个经济体中位列第12位,较上年再提升两位。张启龙指出,我国未来应进一步加快推进科技政策落实落地(further accelerate the implementation of science and technology policies),完善多元化投入机制(improve the mechanism for diversified investment),为实现高水平科技自立自强提供有力支撑(provide strong support for achieving high-level self-reliance in science and technology)。

[相关词汇]全球创新指数Global Innovation Index科技自立自强 self-reliance and self-improvement in science and technology自主创新道路 the path of independent innovation科技强国 a leading power in science and technology

3. 北京冬奥会中国体育代表团The Chinese delegation for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games

请看例句:The Chinese delegation for the 2022 Winter Olympic Games was officially established on Thursday. With a total number of 387 people, the delegation is made up of 176 athletes, 164 coaches, team managers, medics and other sports-related staff as well as 47 other delegation members.1月27日,北京冬奥会中国体育代表团正式成立。北京冬奥会中国体育代表团总人数为387人,其中运动员176人,教练员、领队、科医人员等运动队工作人员164人,团部工作人员47人。

北京冬奥会是中国体育代表团历史上参赛规模最大的一届冬奥会(this is the biggest delegation China has ever sent to any Winter Games)。176名运动员中,女运动员87人,男运动员89人。共有藏族、维吾尔族、满族、回族等9个少数民族运动员20人(twenty are from ethnic minority groups)。代表团运动员平均年龄(average age)25.2岁,年龄最大的37岁,为男子冰球(the men's ice hockey)队员叶劲光;年龄最小的17岁,为男子自由式滑雪(the men's freestyle skiing)运动员何金博及女子跳台滑雪(the women's ski jumping)运动员彭清玥。

本次中国体育代表团完成了北京冬奥会全部7个大项、15个分项的"全项目参赛"任务(will compete in all 15 disciplines in seven sports),共获104个小项194个席位的参赛资格,占全部109个小项的95.4%。在中国冬奥军团历史上夺得的13枚金牌中,有12枚出自短道速滑(short track speed skating)、花样滑冰(figure skating)和速度滑冰(speed skating)项目。在北京冬奥会上,这三个项目的代表队有望"三箭齐发",继续担任中国军团争金夺牌的主力军(the above three disciplines will still be China's main medal hopefuls)。

[相关词汇]高山滑雪 Alpine skiing单板滑雪 snowboarding越野滑雪 cross-country skiing北欧两项(越野滑雪和跳台滑雪) Nordic combined冰壶 curling雪车 bobsleigh钢架雪车 skeleton雪撬 luge冬季两项(越野滑雪和步枪射击) biathlon

4. '十四五'旅游业发展规划a development plan for the tourism sector during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025)

请看例句:The State Council announced a development plan for the tourism sector during the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) in a circular. By 2025, China will have a stronger modern system for the tourism sector integrating cultural development and boasting an improved barrier-free environment and services, according to the circular.国务院日前印发《"十四五"旅游业发展规划》。《规划》指出,到2025年,现代旅游业体系更加健全。文化和旅游深度融合。旅游无障碍环境建设和服务进一步加强。

展望2035年,以国家文化公园(national cultural parks)、世界级旅游景区和度假区(world-class tourist attractions and resorts)、国家级旅游休闲城市和街区(state-level cities and blocks serving tourism and leisure)等为代表的优质旅游供给更加丰富,基本建成世界旅游强国(become a world tourism powerhouse)。

加快推进以数字化、网络化、智能化为特征的智慧旅游(promote smart tourism with digital, networked and intelligent scenarios),扩大新技术场景应用(expand the application of new technologies in tourism)。通过发展旅游业促进人与自然和谐共生(pursue harmonious co-existence with nature),稳步推进国家文化公园、国家公园建设,打造人文资源和自然资源保护利用高地。

建立现代旅游治理体系(a modern tourism governance system)。及时处理游客投诉举报,保护广大游客合法权益(handle tourist complaints to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests)。健全突发事件应对机制,加强灾害事故重大风险防范和涉旅突发事件应对。

[相关词汇]无接触旅游消费 contactless tourism and consumption国家文化公园 national cultural parks乡村旅游 village tourism突发事件应对 emergency responses

5. 儿童感染新冠病毒children infected with COVID-19

请看例句:More than 10 million children in the United States have tested positive for COVID-19 since the onset of the pandemic, according to the latest report of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Children's Hospital Association.美国儿科学会和儿童医院协会(AAP)的最新报告显示,自从新冠疫情暴发以来,美国已有超过1000万名儿童确诊感染新冠病毒。

这份1月24日发布的报告显示,截至1月20日,美国累计报告10603034例儿童确诊病例,占本国新冠确诊病例总数的18.4%(represent 18.4% of all confirmed cases)。随着奥密克戎变异毒株(Omicron variant)在美国加速传播,儿童新冠确诊病例也持续激增(COVID-19 cases among children have spiked dramatically)。

据AAP称,过去一周内,美国新增儿童新冠确诊病例超过110万例,是去年冬季疫情峰值的近5倍。根据AAP的数据,这一数字较一周前增加了17%(前一周新增儿童确诊病例98.1万例),较两周前翻了一番(a doubling of case counts from the two weeks prior)。过去两周新增儿童新冠确诊病例超200万例。这标志着美国单周新增儿童新冠确诊病例数已连续24周超过10万例(this marks the 24th week in a row child COVID-19 cases in the United States are above 100,000)。AAP数据显示,自去年9月第一周以来,美国儿童新冠确诊病例累计增加逾560万例(since the first week of September, there have been over 5.6 million additional child cases)。

[相关词汇]常态化疫情防控 regular epidemic prevention and control健康码 health code输入病例 imported COVID-19 cases本土病例 locally transmitted cases无症状感染者 asymptomatic cases健康码互认 mutual recognition of health code

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