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   日期:2024-11-10     作者:n19v1    caijiyuan   评论:0    移动:http://sjzytwl.xhstdz.com/mobile/news/6228.html
核心提示:abandoned drives [ə'bændənd] [draivs] 废巷道abrasion resistance [ə'breiʒən] [ri'zistəns] 抗磨蚀能力abrasive [ə'b

abandoned drives [ə'bændənd] [draivs] 废巷道


abrasion resistance [ə'breiʒən] [ri'zistəns] 抗磨蚀能力

abrasive [ə'breisiv] 磨料

absorbent [əb'sɔ:bənt] 吸收剂

access ramp ['ækses] [ræmp] 出入沟,出入引道

accessory minerals [ək'sesəri] ['minərəls] 副矿物

accidental explosion [,æksi'dentəl] [ik'spləuʒən] 意外爆炸

Accumulated losses 累计亏损

Acid Mine Drainage 矿山酸性废水Acidic run-off water from mine waste dumps and mill tailings ponds containing sulphide minerals. Also refers to ground water pumped to surface from mines.

acid mine water ['æsid] [main] ['wɔ:tə] 酸性矿水

acid resistant ['æsid] [ri'zistənt] 耐酸的

acid rock ['æsid] [rɔk] 酸性岩

acidite ['æsidait] 酸性岩

acidulation 酸化


Acquisition premium 收购溢价

activated charcoal ['æktiveitid] ['tʃɑ:kəul] 活性煤

activator ['æktiveitə] 活化剂

adamic earth ['ædəmik] [ə:θ] 红粘土

additive ['æditiv] 添加剂

adhere [əd'hiə] 粘着

adhesion force [əd'hi:ʒən] [fɔ:s] 粘附力

Adit ['ædit] 平硐An opening driven horizontally into the side of a mountain or hill for providing access to a mineral deposit.

adit collar ['ædit] ['kɔlə] 平硐口

adit cut mining ['ædit] [kʌt] ['mainiŋ] 平硐开采

adjustable prop [ə'dʒʌstəbl] [prɔp] 伸缩式支柱

Administration and Corporate expenses行政管理及公司费用

Administrative expenses 管理费用

adobe blasting [ə'dəubi] ['blɑ:stiŋ] 裸露装药爆破

adobe shot [ə'dəubi] [ʃɔt] 裸露装药爆破

advancement [əd'vɑ:nsmənt, əd'væns-] 掘进

advancing along the strike [əd'vɑ:nsiŋ] [ə'lɔŋ] [straik] 沿走向掘进

Aeromagnetic survey 航磁测绘A geophysical survey using a magnetometer aboard, or towed behind, an aircraft.

AFC-The armored face conveyor.工作面皮带输送机Used on the coal face of an underground mine to protect the workers and convey the coal to the crusher

Agate ['æɡət] 玛瑙

Agglomerate [ə'ɡlɔmərət, -reit, ə'ɡlɔməreit] 集块岩

aggregate thickness ['æɡriɡət, 'æɡriɡeit] ['θiknis] 总厚度

Agitation .搅动,搅拌In metallurgy, the act or state of being stirred or shaken mechanically, sometimes accomplished by the introduction of compressed air.

Air Crossing- [εə] ['krɔ:siŋ] 气流交汇点A place where return air and fresh cross over but are still divided.

air flow [εə] [fləu] 气流

air intake [εə] ['inteik] 进气口

air vent [εə] [vent] 气孔,排气口

Airborne survey 航测 A survey made from an aircraft to obtain photographs, or measure magnetic properties, radioactivity, etc.

airleg [εə] [leɡ] 气腿式钻机,风动钻架

Alloy 合金A compound of two or more metals.

Alluvium 冲积层;冲积土Relatively recent deposits of sedimentary material laid down in river beds, flood plains, lakes, or at the base of mountain slopes. (adj. alluvial).

Alteration 蚀变Any physical or chemical change in a rock or mineral subsequent to its der and more localised than metamorphism.

Alunite ['æljunait] 明矾石

anchor bolts 固定螺栓

Ancillary Equipment [ək'sesəri] [i'kwipmənt] 辅助设备

ANFO 氨油炸药Acronym for ammonium nitrate and fuel oil, a mixture used as a blasting agent in many mines.

angle of dip ['æŋɡl] [dip] 倾角

anisotropic [ə,naisəu'trɔpik] .各向异性的

Anomaly 异常状态Any departure from the norm which may indicate the presence of mineralisation in the underlying bedrock.

anthracite ['ænθrəsait] 无烟煤A hard, black coal containing a high percentage of fixed carbon and a low percentage of volatile matter.

anticline ['æntiklain] 背斜An arch or fold in layers of rock shaped like the crest of a wave. anticlinorium [,æntiklai'nɔ:riəm] 复背斜

asbestos [æz'bestɔs] 石棉

asphalt ['æsfælt] 沥青

asphyxia [æs'fiksiə], suffocation [,sʌfə'keiʃən], gassing ['ɡæsiŋ] 窒息

Assay 化验;分析;鉴定,测定A chemical test performed on a sample of ores or minerals to determine the amount of valuable metals contained.

Assay Foot 化验尺度(metre, inch,centimetre)

Assessment Work 例行评估工作The amount of work, specified by mining law that must be performed each year in order to retain legal control of mining claims.

Asset classified as held for sale供出售资产

associate bed [ə'səuʃi,eitid] [bed] 伴生层

attributable to the owners of the parent entity归属母公司的

auger drill ['ɔ:ɡə] [dril] 螺旋钻

auger mining ['ɔ:ɡə] ['mainiŋ] 螺旋钻采矿法

augite ['ɔ:dʒait] 辉石

autoclave ['ɔ:təkleiv]: 高压灭菌器a closed strong vessel for conducting chemical reactions under high pressure and temperature.

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